Terra Santa Tripoli

Bed and Breakfast, Sports Activity

March 19th of the month: Feast of St. Joseph, the Protector of the Holy Family and of the Church.

Happy Feast to those who are named Joseph.

Today is also the Father's day so many greetings and wishes to all the Father's that like St. Joseph protect their families.

In the afternoon at 18.00 you can follow live streaming the Solemn Mass celebrated by the Most Rev. Father Francesco Patton, Custos of the Holy Land in the Church of St. Joseph -Nazareth.


Today 4th of February, as we know, is the first Celebration of the "Human Fraternity day" officially proclaimed on 4th of December 2019 by the United Nations. The decision of the UN built on the historical Document of "Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together" signed in Abu Dhabi one year ago by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Sh.Ahmad El Tayyeb, to promote the opening of new prospects for interreligious cultural dialogue, as the way forward to advance peace, security, justice and human rights for all people in the world.
Today we receive a clear message of peace, tolerance and fraternity. This message have the roots in the meeting of Saint Francis and the Sultan Malek El Kamel 800 years ago in Damietta.
For this special Occasion we celebrate a Mass in our Church of Saint Francis at 5pm.

Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that by Saint Joseph's intercession
your Church may constantly watch over
the unfolding of the mysteries of human salvation,
whose beginnings you entrusted to his faithful care.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, for ever and ever. R. Amen.

Dio onnipotente, che hai voluto affidare gli inizi della nostra redenzione

alla custodia premurosa di San Giuseppe, per sua intercessione concedi

alla tua Chiesa di cooperare fedelmente al compimento

dell' opera di salvezza. Per il nostro Signore Gesù Cristo ...

أيها الاله الأزلي القادر على كل شيء
يا من أقمت القديس يوسف، في فجر العهد الجديد، حارساً أميناً على بواكير أسرار الفداء.
إمنح بشفاعتك الآن كنيستك أن تسهر على عمل الخلاص وتواصله دائماً.
بربنا يسوع المسيح ابنك الاله الحي المالك معك ومع الروح القدس الى دهر الدهور.


Homage to the savior of all Nations!
Epiphany is the manifestation/revelation of Jesus as the King/Savior not only of the Jews, but of all human beings. Today’s feast reminds us that God loves all nations of the earth, and that He communicates with us not only through His Word, but also in many, often unforeseen ways: through internal inspirations, through external events, and through people. . . .
Many times these factors are combined in an interplay that becomes clear only in hindsight. The challenge is for us to “decipher” God’s message and respond to it with faith, persevering generosity and courage, just as the Magi did.
Let us remember that we are in the Year of Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue and Indigenous Peoples.
Let us pray for a respectful and fruitful dialogue among all the components of our nations.
We pray also for peace among all the peoples of the world and all those who are working hard to bring about harmony and cooperation among all human beings.

​Celebrations with Philippine community.

Saturday 13th of June Feast of Saint Anthony of Padova.
A Solemn Mass was celebrated at Saint Francis Convent in Tripoli-Mina at 6.00 pm.followed by the distribution of the bread.

The Mass concelebrated by F. Feras Lutfi OFM the Regional Minister (Lebanon, Syria and Jordan) and F. Quirico Calella OFM Superior of St. Francis Convent. Many devoted of Saint Anthony participated to the celebrations respecting the regulations for the Covid-19 (distance,mask and gloves) and received the Holy Communion just in the hands..
At the end of the Mass was blessed the bread of Saint Anthony and according to the tradition was distributed to the congregation with a little image of the Saint.

Today is Saint Joseph the Worker Protector of the Family and of all the workers.

Today begins also the month of May. This month is dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary. In particular we pray this month the Rosary every day at 6.00 p.m.and we recommend the all humanity to God in order to be protected from the corona virus and all the evils.

And coming to Her the Angel said :"HAIL, favored one! The Lord is with you." Luke 1:28

Preghiera a S. Antonio

O glorioso sant’Antonio, ci siamo raccolti intorno a te in questo tempo in cui il contagio virale affligge il mondo intero, i Paesi dai quali proveniamo e quelli in cui prestiamo servizio. Ti ringraziamo umilmente della protezione con cui, insieme al serafico Padre san Francesco, hai sempre beneficato questa Custodia e i suoi membri.
La Custodia di Terra Santa, o amabile sant’Antonio, si riconosce debitrice a te e al serafico Padre, del bene che ha potuto operare nel corso dei secoli, sia per la salute delle anime, che per la conservazione dei Luoghi della nostra Redenzione. Di tutto rendiamo umili grazie a Dio, e a te che per noi hai interceduto.
Continua, o caro nostro Patrono, a spargere su di noi quelle benedizioni che tu attingi dal Cuore amabilissimo di Gesù Bambino, amorevolmente posto fra le tue braccia. Ottienici da lui che noi, consapevoli dell’alto onore di essere stati scelti per custodire la Culla e la Tomba di Gesù, ci sforziamo sempre di corrispondervi degnamente.
E noi, o gran Santo, con tutta la gratitudine del nostro cuore, ci affidiamo nuovamente a te: così hanno fatto lungo i secoli i nostri padri; così il sommo Pontefice ha voluto che noi facessimo, quando ti ha proclamato e costituito speciale Patrono della Custodia di Terra Santa. Amen.

صلاة إﻟﻰ اﻟﻘﺪﯾﺲ أﻧﻄﻮﻧﯿﻮس
لطلب الشفاء و اﻟﺤﻤﺎﯾﺔ ﻣﻦ ﻓﯿﺮوس ﻛﻮروﻧﺎ
أيها القديس انطونيوس المعظم،
لقد اجتمعنا حولك في هذا الوقت الذي ضربت فيه عدوى فيروس كورونا العالم بأسره،
جميع البلدان التي تنحدر منها و التي نمارس رسالتنا فيها.
نشكرك باتضاع على حمايتك لنا،
انت الذي، مع ابينا الساروفي القديس فرنسيس،
لم تبرح تنعم باحساناتك على حراسة الأرض المقدسة وأبنائها.
ان حراسة الارض المقدسة، يا أيها القديس أنطونيوس المحبوب،
مدينة بالشكر لك وللأب الساروفي على النعم التي منحتها اياها عبر العصور،
ان في شفاء الاجساد، او الأنفس او في الحفاظ على اماكن فدائنا.
لذلك كله، نحمد الله العلي ونشكرك على الشفاعة التي تخصنا بها.
واصل يا شفيعنا العزيز، نشر تلك النعم،
التي تلتمسها من قلب الطفل يسوع كلي العذوبة التي احتضنته بلطف بين ذراعيك.
وبينما ندرك الكرامة الكبيرة لاختياراتنا لحراسة مهد وقبر يسوع المسيح،
هبنا من لديه تعالى ان نقوم برسالتنا بأمانة على الدوام.
ونحن أيها القديس العظيم، بقلوب مفعمة بالمتنان نجدد اتكالنا عليك،
كما فعل آباؤنا من قبل على مر الدهور،
وكما أراد الاب الاقدس أن نفعل عندما اعلنك وأقامك شفيعا خاصا لحراسة الارض المقدسة.

ألاب فرانشيسكو باتّون - حارس الارض المقدسة

Prayer to St. Anthony

O glorious Saint Anthony, we have gathered around you in this time in which the viral infection is afflicting the entire world, the Countries from which we come and in which we serve. We thank you humbly for our protection, together with that of our seraphic Father Saint Francis, with which you have always done good to the Custody and its members.

O beloved Saint Anthony, the Custody of the Holy Land is in a debt of gratitude to you and to our seraphic Father, for the good which you have worked in its favour along the centuries, both for the spiritual health of souls, as well as for the conservation of the Places of our Redemption. For all this we render humble thanks to God, and to you who intercede for us.

O dear Patron of ours, continue to shower upon us those blessings which you draw from the most loving Heart of the Child Jesus, whom you lovingly hold in your arms. Obtain for us from Him the grace that we, aware of the sublime honour of having been chosen to be custodians of the Cradle and the Tomb of Jesus, will continue to strive to correspond in a worthy manner to our calling.O great Saint, with all the gratitude of our heart, we entrust ourselves once again to you: this is what our forefathers have done throughout the ages; this is what the Holy Father has willed us to do, when he proclaimed and constituted you as special Patron of the Custody of the Holy Land. Amen.