Per ricordare gli 800 anni del presepio di Greccio (Natale 1223) abbiamo illuminato ed acceso un albero NATURALE gigantesco alto 30 metri accanto al nostro Convento di S.Francesco in Tripoli. Abbiamo allestito anche un grande presepio sotto le arcate ed un altro piu' piccolo in Chiesa. Il tutto rimarra' illuminato di notte fino al due febbraio 2024.
Ricordiamo che dall'8 dicembre 2023 al 2 febbraio 2024 secondo un decreto di Papa Francesco si puo' acquistare l'Indulgenza plenaria pregando in una Chiesa francescana davanti al presepio ed alle solite condizioni.

On the occasion of the 800 years since the first Nativity Grotto established by Saint Francis of Assisi in Greccio Italy.
A plenary indulgence was given by Pope Francis in this occasion from 8 December 2023, the Solemnity of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to 2 February 2024, Feast of the Presentation in the Temple of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
by visiting the churches run by Franciscan families throughout the world and stopping in prayer in front of the nativity scenes set up there. Likewise, those who are sick or unable to
participate physically can equally benefit from the gift of plenary indulgence, offering their sufferings to the Lord or carrying out practices of piety.
For this Occasion a big natural Christmas tree (30 meters tall) and a large Crib were lighted at Saint Francis Convent Mina - Tripoli. They will remain until the second of February 2024
Happy Christmas Season.

The eighth centenary since the Impression of Estimates of S. Francesco d’Assisi, which is being celebrated all over the world, has been remembered in Tripoli in a special way, where the Franciscan presence dates back to the time of the Poverello. This city was probably visited by S. Francesco who after Damietta’s historic encounter with Sultan Malek El-Kamel in September 1219, “... was in Syria for a while”(Estoires d’Eracle cfr.n.4. p. 14).
The celebration presided over by the Commissioner of Affairs at the Apostolic Nunziature Mons. Giovanni Bicchierri to whom ten other priests were crowned took place on Tuesday 17 September from 18.30 to 19.30. In attendance were the CIM Franciscan Nuns of Adonis and the Franciscan Missionary Nuns of the Sacred Heart of Minjez-Akkar. Songs provided by NDU Choir directed by Maestro P. Khalil Rahme. There was a connection with Verna from where the P. Giorgio Giamal and two other novices gave their testimony. After the religious ceremony, the new Italian Ambassador in Lebanon Fabrizio Marcelli took the floor, who emphasized the profile of the Saint Patron of Italy in art and history. At the end of surgery the P. Najib Ibrahim, Delegate of the Guardian Father in Lebanon, presented him the medal of the S. meeting. Francesco and the Sultan. Later, the Mayor of Tripoli, Doctor Riad Yamak, who is also an Italian citizen and a friend of the Franciscans, spoke. He expressed words of praise and gratitude for the work that the Friars have been doing in Tripoli for centuries and especially for the development of the last few years’ activities in the sports, cultural, health and hospitality sector in general
Then everyone took part in a rich buffet while the religious together with the Ambassador and the Consul Valeria Bianconi stopped for dinner. There were also some Italian soldiers of the new Mtc4l Contingent, which is in charge of training Lebanese soldiers and humanitarian aid also in the north of Lebanon.

17 September 2024, Saint Francis Convent Tripoli celebrated the 800 years of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi (1224-2024) on La Verna Mountain.
A Solemn Mass was presided by Mons. Giovanni Bicchierri chargé d'Affaires at the apostolic Nunciature in Lebanon with a participation of Franciscan and Maronites Fathers and a big number of believers
H.E.Fabrizio Marcelli the Italian Ambassador was present at this occasion and for the first time in Tripoli
After the Mass a short video from La Verna was showed to the people and then all took part to a buffet.

Per festeggiare gli 800 anni del Presepio di Greccio a Tripoli marina: apertura del mercatino di Natale per tre giorni con altrettanti Concerti alle ore 19.30
All'annuncio degli Angeli i pastori si avviano a Betlemme con il loro gregge.

Opening of our Christmas market
And NDU Choir present a Christmas musical concert conducted by the Maestro Father Khalil Rahmeh

Saint Francis convent was celebrated the feast of his patron at 4 October.
The mass was presided by his Ex. The lebanese Nuncio Paolo Borgia with the participation of the marounite bishop his Ex Youssef Sweif, Melkite Bishop his Ex. Edward Daher, franciscan and Maronites fathers.
The Italian Ambassador Nicoletta Bombardiere was present and she had a speach about St Francis and the situation.
Father Quirico present to the Nuncio the Franciscan medal and a the Franciscan history in lebanon and the middle east book by F. Halim Njeim to the bishops and the Ambassador
Happy St Francis Feast

Secondo giorno del nostro mercatino di Natale sotto una pioggia battente concluso con un concerto del Coro Al-Fayhaa.

Second of our Christmas market
and a concert presented by AlFayha’a National Choir conducted by the Maestro Barkev Taslakian

Filipinian community celebrated the Christmas mass presided by Father Quirico Calella ofm in Saint Francis Convent Mina - Tripoli

Last day from our Christmas market and a musical concert by les cordes résonnantes conducted by Joe Daw

Feast of St Francis of Assisi.
Celebrations in Tripoli-Mina (Saint Francis Convent)
Pray for the Peace
Celebrazioni della Festa di S.Francesco a Tripoli-Marina.
Abbiamo pregato per la Pace in Medio Oriente e nel mondo intero con una concelebrazione presieduta dal Molto Reverendo P.Abdou Abdo Provinciale dei Carmelitani.

Yesterday on 13 of June 2024, St Francis Convent celebrated the feast of St Anthony of padua by a Solemn Mass presided by the Latin Parish Priest in Tripoli & North Lebanon Father Raimondo Abdo woth the presence of the Italian bilateral Military mission in Lebanon CIMIC (Civil Military co-operation)
Before the Mass the Italian army joined our TAU Banda

Terra Santa Tripoli

Bed and Breakfast, Sports Activity